Frequently Asked Questions


the process


30 Minute Free Connection Call

Why coaching is the right step for you now and how coaching works.


90 Minute Discovery Session

Time to get to know you, what matters to you, and craft goals.


Coaching Partnership

Evoke insight and awareness through a customized coaching experience using positive psychology tools.


Move Forward

Transform insight into action. Craft a career strategy and plan to reach your goals and implement it.


Reflect and Grow

Reflect on what you've achieved through coaching and celebrate success.



Coaching is different from therapy. Therapy is about healing from the past; coaching meets you where you are now – the present – and focuses on the future. Coaching is short-term, goal- and action-oriented. However, the coaching process of discovery, learning, action, and empowerment will create long-lasting change. If you want to work on a life transition or a specific goal, coaching can help. If you’re looking for longer-term care for mental health issues, seek a therapist.
You have the answers.  My role is to partner with you, to ask questions, listen deeply, pay attention, hold space, offer a different viewpoint, and provide structure and support as you discover what matters to you and take the steps that will get you where you want to be. 

Coaching asks that you start with an intention then:

  • Focus on yourself
  • Observe what’s going on around you
  • Listen to your intuition
  • Challenge existing beliefs and behaviors
  • Develop new beliefs and behaviors
  • Take action
  • Have compassion for yourself
  • Be courageous 

Your results are a matter of your intentions, choices, and actions, supported by my coaching skills, tools, and methods. Expect to experience new perspectives on challenges and opportunities, shifts in thinking, better decision-making skills, and more confidence as you move forward on your path. You will likely feel more grounded, balanced, and satisfied. 

The length of our partnership will depend on your needs and preferences. A six-month partnership is recommended to allow for time for you to discover what matters to you, learn to tap into your inner resources, to deal with negative thoughts, identify priorities, set goals, and reflect. Between sessions, you’ll focus on taking actions that support your priorities and goals. 

An investment in coaching depends on the frequency and length of sessions, the number of months, and level of support. Generally, an investment in coaching ranges from $1,150 to $3,850.

Coaching packages may include a personalized strengths assessment, access to an online coaching platform for exercises, goal-setting, reflections, guided visualization, and journaling, and between-session support and accountability partnership by email or text. Sessions may be scheduled weekly, biweekly or monthly.

Book a free connection call to get started.