Connect With Your Authentic Self

What do you really want? What matters most to you? Who are you at the core of your being?

Your authentic self knows the answers to those questions, for they are  the most you version of yourself. Your self is right there, waiting for you to call on them. They are who you are naturally, the person you’ve been since childhood and will always be. 

We may mask our authentic selves from others or curtail them with lots of “shoulds”. We might be afraid that showing who we really are will make us more vulnerable or that people won’t like our true self. 
When we’re able to name and accept who we really are, we make it possible for others to see and accept us. Our hearts open to ourselves, and in turn, we can open to others and relate with truth and compassion.  

In knowing and accepting ourselves as we really are, we invite our most wise and resourceful self to come forward and lead towards what really matters. 

To invite your authentic self forward, try tuning in. Try noticing sensations in your body like when and where you hold tension, breathe and let go. Turn to reliving a moment when you felt love and compassion. Get in touch with that energy. Think about your unique strengths and abilities or remember a time when you took a stand or made an important decision. What do you notice? 

Ask yourself, what do I really want? What matters most to me? Who am I at the core of my being? Depending on how you like to learn, you might journal, talk with loved ones, make art, or take a walk in nature. 

Then ask yourself, if I was more authentic to who I am, what would I do differently?

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