Discover What Matters to You

Our values are the things that are truly important to us. When we know our values and make choices that honor them, we feel satisfied, content, and aligned. When something feels wrong, it’s usually because of a misalignment with our values. 

One way to define values is to identify and reflect on peak experiences, times in our personal and professional lives when we felt really good, proud, fulfilled, and satisfied. 

What were you doing?

What contributed to feeling happy, proud, fulfilled, satisfied?

What need or desire was being met?

How and why did this experience give your life meaning?

What other factors contributed to this peak experience?

Why was this experience important and memorable? 

What values were being honored during this experience?

Write down your values, in no particular order. 

Look at your list and compare the values, asking yourself which one would you choose over the other in a situation where you could only satisfy one of them. As you compare values, place them in order. As you work through the list, you’ll see which values are most important to you. 

My values are freedom, connection, nature, and teamwork. 

What are yours?

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