The Science of Transformational Coaching

Scientific evidence confirms that coaching’s philosophy and tools engage our brains in ways that evoke new patterns of thinking that in turn create openness, creativity, and rewire our brain’s pathways leading to lasting, transformational change.

When we are stressed, our body is flooded with chemicals that impair our thinking. We become less creative and able to think of long-term solutions. One way to protect ourselves from the adverse effects of stress is to reflect on personal values and engage in collaborative, connected conversations to find meaning and create a vision for the future. Research shows that these types of conversations build positive neural connections, which contribute to an overall sense of well-being and reduction of stress, leading to improved relationships and greater capacity.

Coaching facilitates the engagement of the whole brain. Through exploring thoughts, feelings, and gut reactions, we expand focus beyond the presenting issue or problem, integrate the right and left hemispheres, and open up new neural pathways. New pathways create opportunities for creativity, new solutions, and can become the lasting connections that can be used for future problem-solving. As we practice using new neural pathways, they become dominant. We can rewire our brains through focused, supported, intentional and repeated effort, producing lasting growth, change, and transformation. 

For more, read  “The Science of Transformational Coaching” by Ann Betz, Co-Active Training Institute. 

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